This morning, I woke up to the usual cuppa, but a rather unusual story. On #BBC, many stories have been told of how people were exercising in their backyards, running marathons, and more. But most interesting of all was the story of the "Skipping Sikh," as they called him—a 73-year-old Sikh gentleman. Apparently, the Skipping Sikh gets up at 3 a.m. every morning to do his exercise routine, which consists of skipping and much more. Mr. Rajinder Singh then demonstrated how he used his garden equipment (consisting of tyres and watering cans) to perform tricep extensions, squats, and overhead presses. Truly, truly impressive.
Many of us have heard of the Flying Sikh (Milkha Singh); some might have heard of the Running Sikh (Runny Singh from the book #AmblingIndianDiaries by Aina Rao), but the Skipping Sikh is a wonderful first.
Many times, stories of wonderful Sikh traditions come up—such as their indefatigable desire to serve others through free meals (Langar service), their valour (Sikhs make up much of the Indian and some other armies, I am told), their helpful nature, and more. Baisakhi (the Sikh New Year) was just celebrated yesterday. There is no better time than now to celebrate with them, salute their spirits, and learn from their unique community.
So, this time, here I am, charged up with energy, looking to emulate the Skipping #Sikh with my own version of squats and lunges (in lieu of skips), and more. Kitchen vessels and utensils— beware, I am going to use you as weapons of mass exertion!
After all, nothing like a healthy body and a strong immune system to challenge the COVID-19 virus. Speaking of the immune system, laughter is another great solution to keep it going, so do read the hilarious book (link below). Meanwhile, go skipping and laughing and make the virus run for its life!
Happy Baisakhi to all my friends, #Sikhs worldwide...!
Regards ,
Aina Rao
www.amblingindian.com - Quirky reads on India and Life by the AmblingIndian, a New Common Woman.
Read the hilarious book with 31 funny stories to lighten your mood in Covid 2019 times! Link below👇🏽
AmblingIndian Diaries on Amazon/Kindle
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