On the paytm billionaire...
Bungling Indian Sarkar
Making a joke out of Aadhar!
When my aadhar, to my mobile, is already linked
Why the hell do i need to put in ink?
Another aadhar paper to the blinking Paytm guy
Who is anyway using the same mobile number- don't understand why
Did he never attend maths school?
When a= b and b=c, then a= c by association; we found it so cool
But not these silly bungling jokers
If aadhar= mobile number, and paytm = Mobile number, then aadhar=paytm is, to them, a shocker
Which needs to be again proven, by taking a trip
With my aadhar card in original, to the paytm centre, now that's a real blip
This women's day, we women are supposed to be enjoying every moment but to establish this aadhar to paytm to mobile linkage again and again, that's a real torment.
Mr.Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Paytm owner, you may be a new billionaire to the core,
But, to learn associative properties, you sure need to attend maths school once more!
Regards, Aina Rao The amblingindian.
www.amblingindian.com Discovering, enjoying and celebrating India- through quirky writings!😀😀
